Sunday, October 26, 2008


My daughter just told me that John McCain is evil and that Barak Obama is better. She is obviously uninformed.
I told her so, yet she insisted on espousing the Obama line. I asked her for three reasons why Obama was a better pick. She told me that he was "in tune with the younger set and would change things".
She told me that B.O. was only eight years old when Bill Ayers committed his terrorist acts so B.O. couldn't have known what he stood for.
I asked her for three reasons why John McCain was evil. She told me that George Bush put his arm around J.M. and approved of him.
Crap. My wife just accosted me and told me that if I had not been so "angry" when I confronted our girl with her lack of information and discernment then I would have had more success. She said," Why didn't you give her facts and try to persuade her? Well, I will tell you, she was just as "angry" as I was.

I just finished speaking with the girl and she told me that when GWB put his arm around JM that she had her "defining moment". So it appears that the very association of GWB and JM is cause enough to support B.O.
I am not pleased because she has not actually looked into the situation. What she hears is what she believes, and she hasn't tried to look at the other side of the coin.

I tried to teach my kids that you have to look at both sides of the situation in order to know what is going on. I'm afraid that she has been taken in by the leftist, socialist, propaganda that passes as news these days.

BTW, we have four kids. Three girls, one boy. Two of them have seen military service, one still in. Me? I joined the Army in 1975, and am getting ready to retire any day.

My military service has nothing to do with my choice for Commander in Cheif. It is my education that dictates my choices. I learned about the Declaration, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights....the things that made the USA the best place to live and be a part of. The place where much of the World wanted to come to, and still does.
I have been all over the world. Much of it sucks.

P.S. She just told me that the US is getting what it deserves. My God.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The abortion issue

Here is a video that will give you a good idea of where the presidential candidates stand on the issue of "Roe v Wade". Many folks will refer to this issue as abortion. Some say this is the killing of a human being, or some say it is "a womans right to choose" and others describe it as "reproductive health issues". At any rate, see what your candidate has to say.

Such an idiot

I have not been able to get into this account because I got my passwords messed up. I can be so stupid. But I finally took the time and energy to fix it.'s fixed. woo.

Do you know that Obama would not be able to get a security clearance based on his past associations and the questions that remain unanswered about his actual birthplace? He would not be able to get a job on his own security detail. How do I know this? I have a security clearance. The process was one of the most daunting things I have ever experienced. Everything I have ever done, every place I have ever worked or lived, and some federal agent checked it all out. It took about a year as I recall. If they thought I had received money from a foreign source, or "palled around" with a former terrorist, used illegal drugs, or couldnt prove where I had been born, or at least if someone said what I had said was not other words, if there was a question about what I had said, there would be doubt as to my honesty or character. And people are talking about giving this guy the "keys to the kingdom". What's up with that?
Of course, I guess the media would have him under constant surveillance....oh, wait...never mind. They don't care now, they don't ask the questions that need to be asked. Guess it a free pass. Interesting what is happening to "Joe the Plumber" though; who simply asked a question of B.O.