Saturday, July 25, 2009

Victory not important?

Our Community Organizer in Chief says our military should not have victory as the goal in the Middle East conflicts, specifically Afghanistan.
Well, what should be the goal? What are we losing brothers in arms for if not a victory?
Who is this man?
Certainly not a military type. Having been in the military since 1975, if one of my team told me that we should just not try to "win", to achieve a victory over the enemy, whoever they are.....I would tell him to pack it in, get out of the service and move to Portland.
Sigh.........I am depressed, in the words of Slim Pickins in the great movie "Blazing Saddles".

gone a long time

Well, it's good to be back. There is so much lunacy going on in the US. Where do I start? I'm too tired right now, so I will be back later. Tomorrow.

Crowley, Gates, Obama.....what a joke
Why not watch Blazing Saddles, laugh and get over it.

Health Care? If you think it's expensive now, just wait. If the BO Admin get's it's way things will really get out of control.