Monday, December 1, 2008

Just imagine......

Once upon a time, there was an Empire. The Roman Empire. It was the light of the world. The Pax Romana: The Roman Peace. The known world was ruled by Rome. Government, Trade, Travel......there was a time when folks didn't worry about much because they knew that there was a force in the world that kept things stable.
It didn't last forever, but when it was gone there happened a thing called the "Dark Ages'. Lots of people don't realize that it is called the Dark Ages because after the rule of Rome was gone it was anarchy. There was no LAW. There was no ORDER. It was a Dark Time.
Whether you like it or not, The United States is trying to keep Law and Order in the World. The US is trying to spread Freedom throughout the world. Not by force really, but through example. True, we have been a bit heavy handed at times. But is there a time or a circumstance when the end justifies the means? I'm not sure. What I do know is that there are many areas in the world that are not free. The people can't speak out. In some places, folks are killed because they don't believe the same way as the rulers. Those who speak out are killed.
Here in the United States, it is becoming harder to speak out. There are those who would say that if you do not agree with them, you are a "hateful" person.
Should a small, vocal minority be able to dictate to the majority of the people? Truth be told, there are a majority of silent folks who have been made silent by threats. Threats? Threats of what? Lawsuits? Jail? Yes. Can you imagine......wthat the way you think makes you guilty of a crime?
Back on track. There was a time when the US was a beacon of freedom. Is that time over? Hmmmmmm. No, I DON'T THINK SO. The REAL America is not gone. There are those in the REAL America who still believe in Freedom. Liberty, and Self Reliance. Really. BUT....don't forget that we have a responsibility to keep our Constitution intact.
Rambled a bit there, sorry.

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