Friday, December 5, 2008

No confidence.

Well, it is becoming more obvious that B.O. not presidential material. If he was, he wouldn't be putting off his new job. Despite his continued "There is only one president at a time" mantra, he was elected on a "change" platform. He hasn't even started to change anything. His inner circle is composed of Clintonistas and old boy types. There are things happening on the world stage that he is not addressing.....not even talking about. I think he's going to rest on his post election laurels and wait. I imagine he is thinking that G W Bush is going to make the decisions for the last month or so. GW can do nothing at this point. He is off buying a new house for his retirement years. GW has his legacy, whatever it is, and he is done. But is BO stepping up? NO. True, it is not his job, yet. True. But is BO just going to ride out the next month? "There is only one president at a time" is just an excuse for "UH...UH...i don't want the responsibility, UH....UH... till i absolutely have to take it, and UH...UH...thats not till UH..January 37th".
I do not expect great things from this President. After I heard him tell the Governors of the 50 States that he expected them to come up with the economic plan, I knew this job would be beyond him. He is not a leader. He is not a visionary. He is looking for others to do his job, come up with new ideas (but there won't be any new ideas, just more of the same old crap) then he will say, "UH....UH....that sounds good! Lets, that!.

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